Mobile Malware Campaign

Mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets have become ingrained in our daily lives. Technology which was once only found on desktop computers can now be carried in the palm of one’s hands. Yet as the popularity of these devices explodes, the appetite of cybercriminals targeting these devices has grown too. The risk of mobile malware is real: hackers can steal money and sensitive information, use these devices as bots and even spy on your activities. Unfortunately, most people have not realised the importance of protecting their mobile devices from such attacks.  

To help people better protect their mobile devices from cybercrime, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre has developed awareness-raising material available for public download in 20 languages. It provides an overview of the threat and key vulnerabilities of the mobile devices. A set of tips explains how to perform in a secure way every day activities such as downloading apps, internet banking, connection to WI-FI or how to avoid becoming a victim of mobile ransomware. 

Apps Infographic

Apps Infographic (PDF)

mobile Banking Image

mobile Banking (PDF)

Mobile Information

Mobile Information (PDF)

Web Based Threats

Web Based Threats (PDF)

Mobile Malware for Businesses

Mobile Malware for Businesses (PDF)

Mobile Malware for Private Users

Mobile Malware for Private Users (PDF)