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Frequently asked questions with relation to Forced Marriage
Offence of forced marriage: England and Wales Law.
A Survivor's Story of Forced Marriage ; "“My wedding day should have been the happiest day of my life but all I could do was cry. I didn’t want to go through with it but felt I had no choice, my family would disown me. I just felt no-one cared about what I thought or what I felt"
Forced marriage is a crime where one or both spouses do not, or cannot, consent to the marriage and duress is involved. This can include physical, psychological, financial, sexual and emotional pressure. In some cases victims suffer violence and abuse.
Other forms of exploitation to be aware of that are linked to Modern Slavery/ Human Trafficking are; Criminal activity, Organ removal, Forced begging, Forced marriage, Forced benefit fraud, Illegal adoption.
Use of Force Data - West Yorkshire Police like all Police forces in the UK are required to record the times when force is used during an incident.
Publication Scheme - Services Provided by the Police Force
The Force Management Statement focuses on the current and predicted demand facing West Yorkshire Police over the next four years, the performance and effectiveness of the Force and our capacity and capability to address the demand we face.
West Yorkshire Police has an internal magazine for its staff and retired police officers. The Force does not publish or distribute any other emergency services publications.
West Yorkshire Police Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policy - West Yorkshire Police complies with Authorised Professional Practice (APP), which contains information to assist policing, and has established a local policy procedure to provide clear standards and guidelines on how the Force will identify and protect the most vulnerable in our society and ensure that they are allowed to live free from abuse and neglect.
Monday, 27 November 2023 West Yorkshire Police has been recognised for its involvement with and support of the Armed Forces Covenant Partnership.  
West Yorkshire Police Domestic Abuse policy - West Yorkshire Police has outlined a clear commitment to tackle violence against women and girls. This pledge from West Yorkshire Police gives our communities across the country the reassurance and confidence that we are committed to ensuring we do everything in our power to accurately and quickly identify and pursue perpetrators, of any gender including non-binary individuals, and to support and protect victims whether inside or outside of the organisation.
Emergency Securing (Boarding) Services - Force Policy. West Yorkshire Police (WYP) have contracted a company to provide an emergency securing (boarding) service. It is intended that the service should only be used in emergency situations and to relieve police officers of the need to undertake security duties at unoccupied premises.
West Yorkshire Police Asbestos Management Policy - West Yorkshire Police (WYP) occupies a variety of properties of different age and construction types. It is known and recorded that Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) are present in a number of these premises.
People contacting West Yorkshire Police for assistance are getting a helping hand from some web-based software. GoodSAM was initially adopted by the force to assist with 999 and 101 calls back in January 2021. With the caller’s consent it allowed our call takers to access the caller’s phone’s camera function, so live video and the caller’s location could be shared from their device. This assisted with determining response measures.