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West Yorkshire Police is dedicated to serving all communities well and we recognise there are bespoke needs in the service we provide to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender+ (LGBT+) people. We strive to improve our services in consultation with LGBT+ community members, police officers and police staff to make sure that when LGBT+ community members contact us they are treated with fairness, integrity and respect. To help achieve this every member of staff is doing LGBT+ training designed by LGBT+ people.
Monday, 27 November 2023 West Yorkshire Police has been recognised for its involvement with and support of the Armed Forces Covenant Partnership.  
Equality Information Report - HTML / accessible versionPublication Date: January 2024West Yorkshire Police
External partnerships and support organisations that West Yorkshire Police are proud to be a part of, including ; the Armed Forces Covenant Pledge, Mindful Employer and the Business in the Community Race at Work Charter.
West Yorkshire Police Domestic Abuse policy - West Yorkshire Police has outlined a clear commitment to tackle violence against women and girls. This pledge from West Yorkshire Police gives our communities across the country the reassurance and confidence that we are committed to ensuring we do everything in our power to accurately and quickly identify and pursue perpetrators, of any gender including non-binary individuals, and to support and protect victims whether inside or outside of the organisation.
Equality Information Report - HTML / accessible version Publication Date: November 2022 West Yorkshire Police  
Use of Force Data - West Yorkshire Police like all Police forces in the UK are required to record the times when force is used during an incident.
The LGBT Network is a national arrangement of staff LGBT networks that provide guidance, support and accountability on LGBT issues in policing, including representing the interests of LGBT people in policing. West Yorkshire has a long-standing network which was formerly the Gay Police Association, but which changed its name and constitution to reflect the broader range of identities in the LGBT community. 
A list of support services that may be of use if you have been affected by a terrorist attack.
The Caribbean & African Police society (CAPS) was established in March 2023 to promote the welfare of the African and Caribbean workforce and to increase awareness of Caribbean and African history and culture, enabling us to better connect with the African and Caribbean communities we serve in West Yorkshire.
Frequently asked questions with relation to Forced Marriage
Publication Scheme - Services Provided by the Police Force
West Yorkshire Police launched a Police Race Action Plan in November 2023. It is a plan to improve policing for Black people in West Yorkshire.
West Yorkshire Police has an internal magazine for its staff and retired police officers. The Force does not publish or distribute any other emergency services publications.