Household Emergency Plan

There are a number of emergency events that could affect the UK and would likely impact essential services, possibly disrupting your ability to travel, communicate with others or retain a normal daily routine.

To ensure you and your family are as prepared as you can be for an emergency, please spend just 10 minutes completing this Household Emergencies plan. Involve all members of your household and keep a copy accessible. Hopefully you will never have to use this plan, but having one can help alleviate fears about potential emergencies, and can help you respond safely and quickly if an emergency happens. You should aim to review your plan regularly.

WYRF Household Emergency Plan to print off and use as desired

Household Emergency Plan (PDF)


More information...

This quick Household Emergency Plan will give you a good start in case of an emergency. If you would like more information on the kind of emergencies the UK might face, further advice on how to be better prepared or to sign up for alerts, please keep up to date with West Yorkshire Prepared by visiting:


Page last reviewed February 2022


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