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Summary documents providing details of expenses paid to West Yorkshire Police Chief Officer Team, as part of the Publication Scheme.
The West Yorkshire Police Chief Officers Team consists of Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable, Assistant Chief Constables, Assistant Chief Officer and Human Resources Director.
Archived minutes from meetings of the West Yorkshire Police Chief Officer Team
Business Services policies - this topic lists policies relating to subjects covering divisional and departmental policing plans etc.
Short bio for Assistant Chief Constable Pat Twiggs who joined the Chief Officer Team in September 2021 as Temporary Assistant Chief Constable for Specialist Crime and Regional functions, which include Yorkshire and the Humber Regional and Organised Crime Unit, Counter Terror Police North East and Regional Scientific Support Services.
Profile of West Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Damien Miller. Assistant Chief Constable Damien started his policing career in West Yorkshire in July 1997 at Millgarth Division, spending the first five years of his career as a Patrol Officer... read more
West Yorkshire Police Publication Scheme - Information held in registers by statute, Information asset register, Register of interests, Register of gifts and hospitality, Chief Officer Team Contact with the Media, Freedom of Information Disclosure Log, Location of Overt CCTV Cameras
West Yorkshire Police Investigations policy - This policy enables the Chief Officer Team (COT) and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to be confident that all investigations have a consistent approach that prioritises the needs of the victim, considers the wider communities of West Yorkshire and focusses on achieving the best possible outcome for all.
Katherine joined West Yorkshire Police in January 2021. Prior to joining West Yorkshire Police Katherine was the Treasurer (Chief Finance Officer) and Executive Officer for the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner between 2015 and 2021.
West Yorkshire Police's Corporate Communications, part of Corporate Support, is responsible for promoting the work of the Force, so maintaining public understanding and goodwill and boosting public confidence.
Emergency Securing (Boarding) Services - Force Policy. West Yorkshire Police (WYP) have contracted a company to provide an emergency securing (boarding) service. It is intended that the service should only be used in emergency situations and to relieve police officers of the need to undertake security duties at unoccupied premises.
Information such as statement of accounts, audits, salary and grading, expenses, procurement, contracts, and payment performance data.
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Short bio for Assistant Chief Constable Osman Khan - who began the role of Temporary Assistant Chief Constable in May 2020 overseeing the Specialist Crime Portfolio which includes Counter Terrorism, Protective Services Crime, Regional Organised Crime Unit and Regional Scientific Support.
West Yorkshire Police is seeking outstanding officers who want to be a part of our Force in the rank of Chief Inspector or Detective Chief Inspector. One of the most critical responsibilities of any senior leadership team is to select and develop the leaders of the future. West Yorkshire Police recognises that you are unique and we want to use your individual and significant experience to help us to effectively serve our communities and achieve our vision of a safe, just and inclusive West Yorkshire.