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West Yorkshire Police has a dedicated team dealing with Information Sharing Agreements.  
Every year, we produce a report called a ‘Pay Gap Report’ which shares the details of our gender and ethnicity pay gap data. We fully understand the importance of sharing information about our pay gap, along with the action we are taking to address it and the steps we are taking to 'close the gap'. We are ever conscious of our need to improve diversity and create an inclusive environment where all individuals feel equally valued.
General GoodSAM is a 3rd party cloud-based supplier of services to West Yorkshire Police. Data obtained via the GoodSAM platform is done so by utilising a third-parties device. Before the use of this device is initiated consent will be obtained from the user. It is understood that:
Business Services policies - this topic lists policies relating to subjects covering divisional and departmental policing plans etc.
Policies and Procedures - Crime and Safeguarding - this topic lists policies relating to crime issues and safeguarding victims and potential victims of crime.
West Yorkshire Police on social media communications channels, including Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Criminal Justice and Custody policies - this topic lists policies relating to the criminal justice processes, and how we deal with people who come into police custody.
West Yorkshire Police Investigations policy - This policy enables the Chief Officer Team (COT) and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to be confident that all investigations have a consistent approach that prioritises the needs of the victim, considers the wider communities of West Yorkshire and focusses on achieving the best possible outcome for all.
West Yorkshire Police Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policy - West Yorkshire Police complies with Authorised Professional Practice (APP), which contains information to assist policing, and has established a local policy procedure to provide clear standards and guidelines on how the Force will identify and protect the most vulnerable in our society and ensure that they are allowed to live free from abuse and neglect.
West Yorkshire Police Privacy Information. West Yorkshire Police collects and uses personal information so that it can carry out its legal and legitimate functions as defined by legislation, common law and best practice. •We use information to prevent and detect crime; to apprehend and prosecute offenders; to protect life and property; maintain law and order and give assistance to members of the public. We may use your personal information to analyse our performance and effectiveness. (GDPR information)
West Yorkshire Police Asbestos Management Policy - West Yorkshire Police (WYP) occupies a variety of properties of different age and construction types. It is known and recorded that Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) are present in a number of these premises.
West Yorkshire Police Safeguarding Children and Young People policy - Children and young people are among the most vulnerable members of our society. WYP is committed to protecting children from harm and prosecuting those who commit crimes against them.
Flood Advice for the West Yorkshire Community developed by the Warning & Informing Sub Group in conjunction with the Environment Agency, Local Authorities and Met Office.
How To Do Business With West Yorkshire Police
West Yorkshire Police Horsewatch Scheme web page - aiming to provide advice and information to assist in the prevention of crime.  ​Horsewatch West Yorkshire Police ​